Green Industrial Building Trends

There’s no question that green building construction and efficient commercial ventilation design have hit its stride in mainstream adoption. When government agencies are adopting such standards and telling their departments to use them whenever possible, some may say that the trend has truly become established. As a result, it’s important for construction companies and interior system installers to understand these green industrial building trends.

Industrial Building Trends

Clearly, there will be an emphasis on systems that allow large-scale commercial and industrial facilities to use less energy while improving efficiency. We’ve seen the advancements achieved by the installation of better insulation, more efficient lighting, and improvements in water heating technology. However, when it comes to the field of ventilation, there is still a lot of progress to make. Improved ventilation, along with the adoption of other energy efficiency strategies, is poised to become the next big green building trend.

Green Industrial Building TrendsSmart Building Systems

The integration of building system management and computers is likely to grow significantly. With the level of Internet and Cloud tools available now, all of a building’s functions can be handled remotely. Ventilation, lighting, outside irrigation, and security systems can all be adjusted from one central control area. Plus, by tying-in data usage information and data collection tools, managers can get the most accurate information available. This will allow them to better plan production schedules and figure out how to get the most out of their system, as well as be able to see if there are any issues or broken components such as valves, valve controllers, pipe leakages and more. Read more information here on the different types of valves that may go into the likes of new irrigation systems, chemical or gas conversion or compressed air systems and machinery that these new smart industrial buildings are built to house while the use of new smart technology to monitor and manage all processes and systems is also utilized.

Installers and construction companies will soon offer these advanced computer systems far and wide. Instead of trying to figure out when the fans are used the most or when they are likely to burn out, the building manager can just share the data with the manufacturer remotely. This advanced degree of service simply wouldn’t have been possible a few years ago. Having any type of building or construction work taking place on your building can be frustrating, especially thinking about how much mess will be made. If you want to ensure that your building is looking as good as new before you use it again, you may wish to have a look at Construction Cleaning Services who can help make this happen.


It’s not enough to have a green building. Many companies will also feel pressure from various sources to report and tell everyone about it. Benefits can range from community goodwill and positive PR to making the CEO look good with lower utility costs. In many cases, the advancements in technology allow for more accurate, consistent and persistent data reporting.

Of course, over time new standards also mean that there will be a new normal. As the government adopts requirements like LEED standards, the private sector is likely to follow.

Healthy Building Design

Old-style traditional buildings had a lot of disadvantages; Open windows could sometimes make a building hotter, plumbing was prone to leaks, and the building materials could contain hazardous materials like asbestos. Old buildings often leave bosses questioning ‘does my business need an asbestos survey?’ On the other hand, new buildings and retrofitted systems have resolved many of these issues.

However with these advancements, also come new problems. HVAC systems designed to be the final answer in building cooling, sometimes lead to people mold and people getting sick. Bigger and bigger buildings means people see sunlight less and less. Fortunately, the new movement to not just technically advanced but also healthy building design places greater emphasis on avoiding such problems and keeping workers inside healthy.

Solar Power Usage

All that space on top of a building will be put to good use now that solar power systems are much more affordable. The dropping cost of solar panels makes these systems a good investments for businesses. Industrial building trends in 2014 will definitely see more questions by companies considering the idea.

Natural Ventilation

As well as using products like Silica Dust Control to collect harmful dust during the construction process, it is also important to include ventilation solutions in the finished product too. In addition to adding to a building’s roof, a great deal can be achieved by taking away from the roof. By opening up a building’s rooftop and installing natural ventilators air flow inside of the facility will greatly increase. This will help a building to keep cool by letting warm up rise up and out of a building. A variety of buildings use this technique. Buildings as diverse as steel mills and power plants to college campuses and office buildings all use natural ventilation.

Water Conservation

With the weather system change worldwide, droughts and water limitations are becoming more commonplace. One of the biggest consumers of water tends to be large, commercial facilities. Therefore, water conservation efforts will become more commonplace. Reducing water consumption also cuts down on the energy used to move that water is reduced. Furthermore this minimizes the associated water costs as well.

Finding green building standards experts who can provide necessary changes without breaking the bank will definitely find market opportunities in 2014. It’s important to understand, however, that the above demands are not temporary trends. Given the increasing awareness of limited resources, rising utility costs, and the need to control the effects of consumption, green industrial building trends are here to stay. In fact, they are likely to evolve as new energy efficient technologies become available.