
14Jul 2022

Los ventiladores grandes son un requisito para cualquier planta de vidrio. Las ventilaciones de escape grandes son la única solución para eliminar el aire caliente de los hornos y hornos en una planta de vidrio. Estos respiraderos expulsan el aire caliente durante un año sin necesidad de reparaciones. Después de un tiempo, sin embargo, surgen

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22Jul 2020

A new natural ventilation solution can make a hot, humid paper mill feel like a whole new building. At Moffitt, we’ve seen all kinds of paper making facilities discover the benefits of natural ventilation. While it still might be a new concept to some, natural ventilation has the potential to be the leading solution for

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19Oct 2017
Labyrinth Installation

Innovation in Installation Moffitt is the only contractor that specializes in natural ventilation installation. This includes installation for a Moffittvent™, GreenRoo™, Thermorflow®, and more. Every factory, mill, and warehouse is different and as a result requires different ventilation. With over 55 years of experience, we’ve seen it all. Over this time, we’ve developed a variety

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12Apr 2016

When you say the word ventilation most people think about air conditioning or fans. Industrial Ventilation systems are something completely different though. Ventilation for Industrial facilities isn’t designed for total climate control, but rather for reducing heat by improving airflow. This can include industrial ventilation fan or natural ventilation but really it’s about considering the

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13Oct 2015

Be Aware of the Hazards with Industrial Fans Here at Moffitt we often receive questions about staying safe around industrial fans. Many are concerned with protecting workers from contacting rotating blades on our industrial fan equipment and are interested in purchasing guards or other protection. This is of course a very real danger, but there

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