El suministro de aire de entrada natural es la clave para tener un sistema de ventilación natural eficaz. La entrada natural, a través de las rejillas en muros y las aberturas de las paredes laterales, lleva aire fresco y fresco al espacio y empuja el aire caliente hacia el exterior, creando condiciones más agradables para los ocupantes del edificio.
LVR-ES90 wall louver line is designed for industrial applications to naturally introduce cool, outdoor air into the facility. These louver blades open a full 90° for maximum airflow.
LVR-1045-4-EA Extruded Aluminum Louver is designed for intake and exhaust application where protection against water infiltration is not critical.
LVR-3045-4-G Extruded Aluminum Louver is designed for intake and exhaust application where protection against water infiltration is not critical.
LVR-1045-4-G Extruded Aluminum Louver is designed for intake and exhaust application where protection against water infiltration is not critical.
LVR-1045-6-EA Extruded Aluminum Louver is designed for intake and exhaust application where protection against water infiltration is not critical.
LVR-EAC-6 combination louver features stationary drainable louver blades to protect against water penetration and an integral control damper to allow positive shutoff protection of air intake and exhaust openings.
LVR-4045-4-EA louver features operable blades that allow positive shutoff protection of air intake and exhaust openings.
LVR-4045-4-G louver features operable blades that allow positive shutoff protection of air intake and exhaust openings.
LVR-6045-4-EA louver features operable blades that provide positive airflow shutoff when closed and protection against water when open.
Las rejillas de ventilación de pared EcoStream están diseñadas para aplicaciones industriales. Su construcción resistente garantiza que puedan soportar las condiciones más duras. Las rejillas EcoStream están fabricadas de acero galvanizado o aluminio extruido con acabados opcionales disponibles.